Fountain 0.4.6 - Unified Search, Timestamp Clipping & Earning Updates
Unified search tab, timestamp clipping and a new earning system called Flow. Increase your Flow to maximise your earnings!
Fountain 0.4.6 is now live on iOS and Android!
Unified Search
We have added a new Search tab to the main navivation which allows you to look for everything on Fountain in one place. When you search we will show you all the top results by default. Use the filters to categorize your results by podcasts, profiles, clips and playlists. We hope you agree that finding content to listen to on Fountain is now much easier!
Clips are ranked by the number of sats they've received through likes, so when you search you'll see the most valuable content, as judged by Fountain users. Keep helping other listeners discover great podcasts by creating and liking clips.
Timestamp Clipping
We now offer two ways to create a clip from a podcast:
Timestamp editor
With our new timestamp editor, you can start clipping from a section of the audio as soon as you hear something valuable you want to share.
Drag the blue handles to select the part you would like to clip
Use the blue skip buttons for finer control over the start and end time
Use the yellow position marker to move to a section in the clip
Press Restart Clip to to play from the beginning
Save as a draft and proceed to the publish screen
Transcript editor
Our transcription costs over the past few months have been rising significantly, so the transcript editor is now only available if you are subscribed to Fountain Premium. We're working on additional updates to the transcript editor to make it even more powerful. Learn more about how to create clips in our FAQs.
Earning Updates
Since we launched earnings and Promotions in Fountain 0.4.0, it's been pretty clear that you love earning sats as you listen! It's also been clear that earning has been temperamental for some of you, which we have been working hard on smoothing out. In Fountain 0.4.6, it's now clear when you are earning (and when you are not). We have also introduced a system which indicates your earning potential, based on how much you are contributing to Fountain.
Maximise your earnings by increasing your Flow
Your earning rate when listening to podcasts on Fountain is determined by your Flow. If you're sending a lot of sats to podcasters, creating valuable clips and referring friends, you will be able to earn more. If you're not doing any of those things, you would earn less. Your Flow will gradually fade over time, so you can keep it topped up by doing these things regularly.
You can check your Flow by pressing the earnings indicator on the player, or by going to the main menu. If you are not earning, you will see a grey lightning bolt at the top of the player and your Flow meter will be grey. Press it for more information about why you are not earning - for example, if you have reached your daily limit, or if we notice something irregular about your account.
How do I increase my Flow?
Support podcasts
Send sats to podcasts by streaming and boosting as you listen. The more sats you send the more you will be able to earn, so try increasing your default amounts in the main menu under settings. If your favourite podcasts aren't on Lightning yet, make sure you let them know on Twitter and send them The Fountain Guide to Value for Value to get them started!
Get likes from other users
When you create a clip or send a boost, you earn when other users like your content and send you sats. The more sats you're earning from your clips, the higher your Flow will be and the more you can earn when listening.
Refer your friends
Share your referral code with your friends and you will increase your Flow when they redeem it. You can share or redeem a code from the main menu in the app.
Learn more about how earning works on Fountain in our FAQs.
We hope you get on well with the new update. If you would like to share your feedback or report any issues you're experiencing, you can do this through the menu in the app, or by emailing
Thanks for your support,
Fountain Team